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Collection: Meditation Candles & Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a powerful tool to change your mood, alleviate stress, unwind, or energise. Discover a range of invigorating scents, whether you're looking for a meditation candle to help improve...

Aromatherapy is a powerful tool to change your mood, alleviate stress, unwind, or energise. Discover a range of invigorating scents, whether you're looking for a meditation candle to help improve your mind-body connection, essential oils to help you sleep, energy cleansing incense burners, or just a new fragrance for home living. Browse our range of aromatherapy products below to find your new favourite scent.

Aromatherapy is a powerful tool to change your mood, alleviate stress, unwind, or energise. Discover a range of...

Aromatherapy is a powerful tool to change your mood, alleviate stress, unwind, or energise. Discover a range of invigorating scents, whether you're looking for a meditation candle to help improve your mind-body connection, essential oils to help you sleep, energy cleansing incense burners, or just a new fragrance for home living. Browse our range of aromatherapy products below to find your new favourite scent.

Reset your mind with some relaxing aromatherapy candles and essential oils to bring a sense of tranquility and calm. Perfect for unwinding at the end of a long day, or starting your morning with a clear head and positive energy. No matter if you prefer the comfort of a warming fragrant candle, the powerful diffuser of essential oils, or a slow burning incense stick, find something that suits you with our curated range of aromatherapy products.

Do I need to meditate if I do yoga?
It isn't mandatory to meditate if you do yoga, however practicing the two together can help you to build a better mind-body connection and enter a more tranquil state of mind. If you like the movements and exercise that yoga gives you and don't feel like you'd benefit from calming your mind, then you don't need to meditate. We would strongly recommend trying both out to see how they influence each other, giving you a greater understanding of the theory of yoga. You can start meditating by introducing some aromatherapy and candles into your home to help you get into the right mindframe, try to do this after your yoga session.

Should you meditate or do yoga first?
It is best to meditate after you have completed your yoga session. Since your yoga flow will focus on certain breathing techniques and will require physical exercise, meditation can be used to rebalance and centre yourself so that you can unwind after your practise. To help to reduce stress levels, you could try adding some aromatherapy aids such as candles and diffusers. However, if you'd like to be in a meditative state before your yoga session then it is perfectly acceptable to reverse the order. This is especially true if you prefer restorative yoga or gentle flows.

What are the benefits of aromatherapy in yoga?
Aromatherapy can aid you in your yoga practice by helping to induce a more relaxed state through powerful scents. For example, if you'd like to wind down with a gentle yoga session before you go to bed, you could diffuse some lavender oil to help you drift off into a restful sleep. Alternatively, if you practice restorative yoga, you could light a scented candle to evoke a more focused and tranquil state of mind.