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Period & Hormonal Health

If your menstrual flow is disrupting your yoga flow, why not try some soothing home remedies? From belly balms and hot chocolates to organic tampons and pads, we've got everything you need to support you through your cycle. Discover a...

If your menstrual flow is disrupting your yoga flow, why not try some soothing home remedies? From belly balms and hot chocolates to organic tampons and pads, we've got everything you need to support you through your cycle. Discover a carefully selected collection including premenstrual drops, books for women's health and period-friendly yoga routines and a variety of menstrual products. No matter if you prefer a menstrual cup, tampons or pads, we've got a range of plastic-free and organic items so that you don't have to compromise on your sustainability values. Shop the full collection of period products below.

If your menstrual flow is disrupting your yoga flow, why not try some soothing home remedies? From belly...

If your menstrual flow is disrupting your yoga flow, why not try some soothing home remedies? From belly balms and hot chocolates to organic tampons and pads, we've got everything you need to support you through your cycle. Discover a carefully selected collection including premenstrual drops, books for women's health and period-friendly yoga routines and a variety of menstrual products. No matter if you prefer a menstrual cup, tampons or pads, we've got a range of plastic-free and organic items so that you don't have to compromise on your sustainability values. Shop the full collection of period products below.

Organic period products are increasing in popularity as more people are looking for sustainable products. Our selection of responsible menstrual products is designed to cover your needs throughout your cycle, including premenstrual symptoms, aches and pains, emotional ranges and flow. The collection ensures that you can stay true to the core values of yoga throughout the month by providing earth-conscious alternatives to plastics. Additionally, our range includes period friendly yoga routines so that you don't have to miss out on your regular practice due to cramping and discomfort.

Which yoga should not be done during periods?
Which yoga you choose to do on your cycle is completely up to you and how you experience that time of the month. As a general rule we'd recommend focusing more on restorative yoga, and avoid asanas that require stress on the abdominal and pelvic area, such as back arches which may cause you to experience pain. Each body is different, and some may feel more comfortable with certain asanas than others, try to stick to easy flows until you are comfortable with trying more challenging poses.

Does yoga make period cramps worse?
Some types of yoga practices may make cramps worse, but there are many types that can help to relieve pain! During the first couple of days, you may feel hindered by cramps and lack of energy, so we recommend focusing on breathing exercises and trying out a few poses that will help to relieve pressure in the abdominal area such as child's pose. Yoga may work well for some people on their periods, but not as well for others.

What are the benefits of doing yoga on your period?
Yoga can help to relieve pain caused by cramps. The deep breaths help to circulate oxygen around your body and into your muscles which alleviates cramping and aches caused by lack of oxygen. It can also help to regulate your mood and emotions, particularly when practicing gentle flows.