Savasana Poem: Utter Contentment

Savasana Poem: Utter Contentment

Whatever has happened in class today, whatever has happened in your day so far,

It is done. Lay it aside without judgement.

You have arrived here in this place, in this moment.

This moment is yours to enjoy.


To your mind, take this opportunity to say ‘Stop!’

Stop racing ahead to the next thing.

Put down the mental to do list.

Find rest and contentment in the silence.


I sit with all that I am. I am enough.

I sit with all that I have. I have everything I need.

Utter contentment is mine.

That’s where the bliss is to be found.


To your body, take this opportunity to say ‘Stop!’

Stop beating yourself up for all that you have not done.

Rather, accept with gratitude what your body has been able to achieve in this day.

Find rest and contentment in the stillness.


I sit with all that I am. I am enough.

I sit with all that I have. I have everything I need.

Utter contentment is mine.

That’s where the bliss is to be found.


To your spirit, take this opportunity to say ‘Stop!’

Stop striving and grasping and reaching for more.

Lay aside your restlessness and dissatisfaction.

Find rest and contentment in the surrender.


I sit with all that I am. I am enough.

I sit with all that I have. I have everything I need.

Utter contentment is mine.

That’s where the bliss is to be found.


I do not need to have it all. All is well.

I don’t have everything I want but I do have all I need. All is well.

When you love what you have, you have everything you need. All is well.

I do not seek a happy life but a contented life. All is well.

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